Know-how in the dairy industry

As the project proceeds and the detailed planning is progressed, we keep a close eye on the big picture

Our capabilities

Milkron has the specialists when it comes to developing and implementing your optimum system solution for the production of dairy products.

Milkron OptiFlux membrane filtration system

Improved product quality, reduced raw produce losses and highly efficient production sequences –  these are just some of the benefits highlighting why membrane filtration pays off.

More about membrane filtration with OptiFlux

Technology from Krones

When it comes to the right technology, we are pleased to draw on Krones' machines and lines. Because the company is one of the leading system suppliers for the beverage and food industries. The group also has the right solutions for the milk-processing sector:

When it comes to planning and executing your project, Milkron taps into these synergies, of course – and you benefit from streamlined decision-making channels and comprehensive expertise.